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How Proficiency in English Brings Value to an Organization

How Proficiency in English Brings Value to an Organization


Post-Pandemic Orders on Managing Employees Wellbeing

Back to office? Leaders may have to resolve the post pandemic distress first


To quit or not to quit?

Read this first if you’re stuck in a career limbo Be grateful when you still have a job during the COVID-19 pandemic, they say. But what if you never truly fancy your job to begin with and you’re just staying put because you avail yourself to the sense of dormancy that comes with having a stable job? Or do you actually enjoy what you’re doing but you have reached career stagnancy? These are two differing factors that you should deeply consider before making any radical moves. Did the pandemic and transition to remote working heighten your current discontent at work or you were already dissatisfied prior but reactiveness and complacency prevented you from thriving further, and now you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, your mind is reinforcing you with metaphorical quotes of “the grass is always greener on the other side” and “your job is the bane of your existence”, so now you’re ruminating on what could have materialized if you have left pre pandemic. Do not leave your job for the wrong reasons
